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Your Link to the Inner City


The Light To The City

City Light is a nonprofit Christian organisation reaching out to the inner-city and its needs. City Light works through ministries that need extra help and support to serve the poor, the homeless, the drug addicted and the weary searching for hope. These ministries are understaffed and often times have difficulty raising funds or managing the ministry. City Light becomes their partner offering these inner city ministries a place to turn for guidance, support, expertise and long term stability.

City Light is a 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to providing Christian Relief to the City of Detroit since 2006.

The Link To The City

City Light is made up of working professionals who volunteer their time, expertise, counsel and advice to help small ministries with their accounting, legal work, fund raising and business management issues.  Linking people together – the volunteer and the ministries – creates long term relationships and is the key to City Light’s success.  Also, City Light helps fund the work and new projects after the ministry had gone through an intensive review.

The Support To The City

City Light, as an organization, is underwritten by private individuals who believe strongly in its mission.  As a result, 100% of all the money raised from individuals, foundations and corporations goes directly to the inner city and it’s needs.  This fact distinguishes us from virtually all other organizations.

The Promise To The City

City Light supports 501c3 Christian inner-city nonprofit organizations that are under the leadership of a qualified staff and board.  They must have attainable goals and objectives to improve the lives of others.  If you know if an organization that would like to be considered for assistance, have them call or mail for an application.  Our review board will then contact the ministry when appropriate.

Your Support Of The City

Your offer to City Light touches the lives of many people through many different ministries.  By supporting us you are providing protection, education, food, clothing, creative recreation and shelter.  Your support reaches those who need it most and you hear about the least.

With you, City Light is bringing a bright light of hope to many.  

©2024 City Light Detroit
Website Designed and Maintained by:  IGNITE Media Group, LLC